Contacto con Maestra Yeyetzi

Consulte conmigo para sanar su alma y resolver problemas de amor. Estoy aquí para ayudarle con mis servicios espirituales.


Estoy aquí para ayudarte con tus problemas de amor y espiritualidad. No dudes en consultarme para recibir orientación y sanación.


Catemaco, Veracruz, México


Lunes a Viernes

Bienvenidos a Maestra Yeyetzi

Soy la Maestra Yeyetzi, aquí para ayudarte con problemas de amor y limpieza espiritual. Consulta conmigo y transforma tu vida.

A tarot card titled '3 of Cups' is surrounded by various gemstones and crystals including amethyst, quartz, and rose quartz. The card features three women in white dresses embracing each other against a starry sky. Lavender sprigs are scattered around for decoration.
A tarot card titled '3 of Cups' is surrounded by various gemstones and crystals including amethyst, quartz, and rose quartz. The card features three women in white dresses embracing each other against a starry sky. Lavender sprigs are scattered around for decoration.
A wooden table covered with intricate white geometric patterns and holding several colorful tarot cards depicting various figures and symbols. There is also a wooden box on the table and a base of a metal decorative object.
A wooden table covered with intricate white geometric patterns and holding several colorful tarot cards depicting various figures and symbols. There is also a wooden box on the table and a base of a metal decorative object.
A dimly lit room with a small round table draped with a lace tablecloth. On the table, there is an antique hourglass, tarot cards, a burning candle, and a stack of cards. A window behind reveals a night sky with a full moon and tree silhouettes.
A dimly lit room with a small round table draped with a lace tablecloth. On the table, there is an antique hourglass, tarot cards, a burning candle, and a stack of cards. A window behind reveals a night sky with a full moon and tree silhouettes.

Sobre Maestra Yeyetzi

Ofrezco servicios de sanación, amarres de amor, lecturas de tarot y más. Estoy aquí para guiarte y apoyarte en tu camino.